What We Stand For

Citizens' Alliance, in its quest to transform The Gambia into a prosperous, stable and socially cohesive country, firmly believes and stands for the following:

  • Right to Quality Healthcare: CA aims to ensure every citizen of this country will have access to quality and affordable healthcare by reforming the current healthcare system into a modern healthcare system staffed with highly qualified and well paid personnel and medical equipment.
  • Right to Quality Education: CA will prioritize reforming the current education system to not only meet the needs of the current and future generations of students, but also to ensure educators, teachers and other working in the education field are properly trained, equipped with learning materials and paid decent living wages.
  • Empowerment & Right to Healthy Food
    •  Empowerment: Empowerment, especially the women and youths, is a central priority for CA to ensure the country gets the best out of her citizens and spur grassroots economic prosperity throughout the length and breadth of the country.
    • Food Sufficiency: Every citizen must have access to affordable and quality food supply. To achieve this for our people, CA will implement agricultural policies and facilitate access to capital for our farmers to ensure food sufficiency of the nation with surplus capacity for export trade.
  • National Security: Securing the national borders and sovereignty of The Gambia is a non-negotiable priority for CA. CA will implement national security reforms that ensure all of the security departments of the country (army, navy, police, customs and immigration) are fully equipped, trained and paid livable and respectable wages that reward their dignified services to the nation..
  • Economic Prosperity and Jobs: CA is determined to unlock the full economic potential of citizens of The Gambia by instituting policies and legislating laws that promote:
    • creation of new businesses and jobs,
    • business competition,
    • easy access to investment capital and labor,
    • streamline the tax system and
    • protection of personal property, rights and freedoms.
  • Unity and Common Purpose: CA will work with ALL CITIZENS and non-citizens to ensure that there is social unity and cohesion and that the country has a common purpose in national socio economic matters.